Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Summer Plans

So, I have spent the past several days attempting to organize my room. It is in a constant state of disarray. If you are an art teacher I think you can relate; even if you are an organized one.

Because I am a divorcee raising my son on my own AND an art teacher, and I have a young German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois, I decided I did not have enough to do, so I thought to myself, "Self. You need to start a blog!!" So here I am.

A few months ago I discovered this blog and the woman who created it, Cassie Stephens, is my new personal hero! I love her seemingly endless energy and creativity, and since I am starting my sixteenth year of teaching, I needed a shot of whatever it is she has. I used to be the energetic, creative fount of a young, enthusiastic teacher. But over the course of life, kids who are less than enthusiastic about the subject (I teach at a high school in "The Big City"), and the everyday stresses of raising a kid on my own in one of the most expensive cities in the country on my measly teacher's salary (though I have to say that I am glad I teach in the district I do with regards to that)... well, it all takes a toll on me. But I have determined that this does not need to be the case!

To start off next year right I decided to spend time in my room this summer. My good friend and fellow art teacher, Patty, retired at the end of this year. She is certainly going to be missed at OGHS, however I hope to carry on in her absence by taking on her "baby", the Crafts class. She and I, and our colleague, Rachael, are going through her 20+ years' of stored awesomeness in the best supply closet on campus (Why did I decide to NOT take over that room??). Anyhoo.... I am now inheriting some fantastic stuff and I need to figure out what to do with it all!

My room is.... how can I put this? Not organized AT ALL. Well, I know where stuff is, but the issue is that no one else does because I have no method to the madness. At least I didn't. Now it is starting to become organized.

So that is as far as I have gotten so far. All boxes are labeled. All like items are stored together. This photo only represents about 1/8 of what I have/am acquiring and this is taking up about 1/6 of my supply closet right now. I also have some sweet storage in my classroom proper, and that is getting there as well.

I was feeling so overwhelmed and not at all excited about teaching at the end of this school year. I actually started looking for other jobs (dare I admit that on here??). People think that having summers off is such a great bonus as teachers, and it is, but it is also very necessary to avoid teacher burnout.

More to come as the process unfolds!

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