Thursday, April 12, 2018

Looking Back to 2017

Last summer I was lucky enough to take seven students to Italy for a ten days. This was my third such student tour, and by far one of the most fun groups I have traveled with. Not only did the girls I took from OGHS all gel really well (no drama!), they got along excellently with the rest of the group (from places all across the U.S.).

My friends and many colleagues wonder why I lead student tours. I have to say that I find traveling with teenagers to be one of the most rewarding ways to see the world. Not only do I get to experience places and events that are new to me, but I also get this vicarious experience as an adult seeing kids experience the same things in their own unique ways. There perspective on what is fun, cool, or worthwhile is just as influential on me as I hope my perspective is on them.

In 2019 my colleague and I have planned a trip to Peru, and I cannot wait! Problem is, recruiting for such a trip at a Title One high school is never a cakewalk. Alas, we will continue to try and fill the trip up with 12 travelers. Fingers crossed and Machu Picchu here we come!

Here I am geeking out over Raphael's School of Athens in the Vatican library. There was SO MUCH to see. I was super happy that our tour director, Ricci, asked the local guide to take me to see the library and the modern collection (it is always smart to treat your tour director really well and to become friends so that you and your kids get preferential treatment! After all, what is a little sucking up really going to hurt when the kids spend so much money to go on such an adventure?!).
Looking from our gondola to some of our fellow travelers

Looking from our gondola to some of our fellow travelers along the Grand Canal

Barah and a fellow traveler she became close friends with, grabbing a cold treat on a hot day in Assisi

Tu exploring some of the side streets and sidewalks with me in Assisi

Uyen, Tu, and me in front of Ghiberti's Baptistery Doors in Florence 

Leilani, Anaisa, Tu, me, Barah, Andrea, Adra, and Uyen on top of the Duomo in Florence

Adra, Uyen, Tu, Leilani, Andrea, Anaisa, and Barah all waiting to walk up the stairs to the Duomo on a VERY hot day in Florence. 

Tu looking out from Ponte Vecchio in Florence

Our group (squint, we are there!!) in Venice


Along the canals in Venice

Uyen, Leilani, and Tu in the gondola

Looking up at the duomo on our walk to the top of Florence!

My favorite part of the Alexander Mosaic, Pompeii

The group and some additions, Assisi

See the tiny people? Taken of the Duomo from the top of  Giotto's Campanile (I lied and told the girls there was a lift to the top so that they would go with me after climbing up to the top of the Duomo). 

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