Friday, September 15, 2017

How I Stopped Judging and Learned to Love Ojo de Dios

Ojo de Dios. God's Eyes. The thought of popsicle sticks and cheap yarn is enough to bring even a half-decent art teacher to tears.

I inherited a class called Crafts at my school back in 2011. Then I handed it back over to another teacher in lieu of teaching AP Art History because I just wasn't feelin' it. First off, there was no curriculum. That can be an awesome thing in a class where you are passionate about the subject, but a nightmare when you are dropped in mid-year without a clue as to what you are supposed to do. I fell into that latter camp back in January 2011. I was able to make some cool stuff the following year, but I had made the class more about sculpture than craft, so when the opportunity arose and the other teacher wanted the class, I jumped at the chance.

Leap ahead to 2016. The teacher who had happily taken Crafts back retired, and I was back to having that as part of my schedule. She excitedly told me that I should teach Ojo de Dios and I shut down. NO WAY!!! That is such a Camp Craft!

This past summer I decided to take a look at the damn idea. I researched just a little bit and found this artist who makes amazing mandalas using traditional Ojo de Dios methods and I have been hooked ever since! This idea that made my skin crawl and my blood boil is now something that I love! I have to thank Jay Mohler for inspiring me to try something new. My students have really taken to the whole concept and the following are images of their work.

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